Low-cost Solid-state air-cooled 300 watt ISM band (13.56 MHz) RF power supply
Universal input power (90-240VAC input)
Simple analog control interface (DB-15 or DB-25 interface)
Embedded or standalone (active display) configurations
Light weight (16.6 pounds)
Low cost (from $2100)
Robust, High reliability unit (< 0.5% AFR, 2 year manufacturer warranty)
Sample Applications
Industrial, semiconductor and R&D equipment OEM applications

Low-cost Solid-state air-cooled 600 watt ISM band (13.56 MHz) RF power supply
Universal input power (90-240VAC input)
Simple analog control interface (DB-15 interface)
Embedded or standalone (active display) configurations
High efficiency, small form factor design
Light weight (15.25 pounds)
Small, air-cooled form factor (6.8”X5.2”X19.5”)
Low cost (from $2100)
Robust, High reliability unit (< 0.5% AFR, 2 year manufacturer warranty)
Sample Applications
Industrial, semiconductor and R&D equipment OEM and retrofit/replacement applications

FastMatch 1: FM-1
Low-cost air-capacitor ISM band (13.56 MHz) RF matching network
Low voltage (24VDC) power
Self-contained microprocessor-based control electronics
DC bias readback, position feedback and control options
Automatic POST (power-on self-test)
Useful in Plasma Applications from under 30 watts to 1KW input power (depends on load)
Low maintenance, simple operation and installation
Robust, High reliability (3 year manufacturer warranty)
Many optional features (inquire about your application)
Sample Applications
Popular replacement for many obsolete matching units. Used in a wide variety of new OEM plasma system applications in semiconductor, R&D and industrial equipment applications

FastMatch 4: FM-4
Standard form-factor air-capacitor ISM band (13.56 MHz) RF matching network
Universal input power (90-240 VAC)
Self-contained microprocessor-based control electronics
Remote DC bias readback, position feedback and control options
Automatic POST (power-on self-test)
Useful in Plasma Applications from under 30 watts to 500W input power (depends on load)
Low maintenance, simple operation and installation
Standard form factor (uses standard AMAT style case dimensions and mounting)
Can be tailored to specific impedances and applications easily
Lower cost than vacuum capacitor matching networks
Sample Applications
Modern replacement for some obsolete matching units. Used in new OEM plasma system applications in semiconductor and industrial equipment applications

FastMatch 7: FM-7
Standard form-factor vacuum capacitor ISM band (13.56 MHz) RF matching network
Vacuum capacitors driven by microprocessor-controlled stepper motors
Wide variety of control and readback options (network or serial interfaced)
Useful in Plasma Applications from under 30 watts to over 1KW input power (depends on load)
highly programmable control system
very high accuracy and repeatability due to vacuum capacitor
Standard form factor (uses standard AMAT style case dimensions and mounting)
very robust in severe service applications
Sample Applications
Modern high power OEM application matching network. Robust operation in demanding industrial and semiconductor applications.
LF300B is a 300 watt low frequency generator used on the AutoGlows and other small systems. It’s a 100 kHz generator for embedded/integrated applications (such as integrated into small plasma systems like the AG300’s).

Process Control Module: PCM
Standalone plasma system controller for new and retrofit applications
Universal input power (90-240 VAC)
Self-contained industrial touchscreen control electronics
Proven, tested Genesis software application on linux hardware
Controls environment for plasma chamber operation:
chamber pumping and venting
pressure control (via throttle valve and baratron monitoring)
gas flow (up to 6 MFC controls)
RF power (1 or 2 RF generators)
Monitors process environment
process datalogging to .CSV files (via USB)
DC bias readback option
Temperature monitoring option
Monitors tool safety
Pneumatic pressure
door/operator interlocks
pressure interlocks
optional user-defined interlocks
Serviceable and flexible design
Can be easily removed, repaired and/or upgraded as required
Software can be customized as required
Embedded industrial hardware provides long system availability
Useful on different types of equipment to simplify operator training and maintenance
Replacement for discontinued controls on serviceable equipment (many retrofit applications)
Modular control system used in new OEM systems to speed system development (R&D)
Used on numerous systems with current regulatory approval (eases new system adoption)
Currently deployed in semiconductor, industrial, aerospace and medical industries