April 25, 2024
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At KTS we maintain a database of documentation for the more common equipment and maintain large new and legacy parts in inventory to repair common models of OEM equipment from major manufacturers. Our engineers and technicians are highly skilled and qualified professionals. We specialize in RF Generators used in the semiconductor, optics, industrial, research, and other applications. We have a reputation for quick, but thorough service.
Kengineering services and repairs generators from other manufacturers such as ENI, Advanced Energy and Comdel. We got our start in generators by servicing these makes and models and it provided much-needed insight into our own generator design, seeing how other generator designs worked and which parts could use improvement.
As a result, KTS now has specialized testing systems for these generators and specific replacement parts for many popular models as support from the manufacturers has waned. We have replacement driver/exciter modules and tank filters for Advanced Energy RFG3000 and RFG5500 models. We have significant experience with the PE series low frequency generators and build a replacement generator for the PE-II 10K (called the LF-10K) for PCB applications. We repair and maintain some parts for the RFX-600 models and our RF-600 was developed as a replacement for this in new applications.
We maintain a parts inventory of ENI OEM B and ACG (3,6 and 10) series generators and have a stock of used units available for resale.
We repair Comdel CX-600 generators and some other models.
We support many older models (“twilight” designs; no longer supported by the OEM’s but still used in active production systems) of equipment with the KTS-designed replacement units for Trazar match networks like the AMU10D-2 match networks and RF Services RFS500/700 matches. Our RF-600 generator is used as a replacement for Advanced Energy RFX-600 in numerous applications and our RF-300 has been used as a replacement for old Tegal RF generators. These replacements supply form, fit and functional replacement that do not require process requalification since they are largely cloned from the original designs with key parts upgraded for longevity and availability.